2024 Holiday Planning
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Plan and Prepare for the Winter 2024 Holiday Season with these SAF resources.
Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 11/07/2024
Get ready for the holiday season! Join us for an interactive peer-to-peer learning event where you can gather fresh ideas from fellow professionals on displays, scheduling, product orders, marketing strategies, sales forecasting, and more.
Streamline Your Holiday Business
Get ready for the holiday season! Join us for an interactive peer-to-peer learning event where you can gather fresh ideas from fellow professionals on displays, scheduling, product orders, marketing strategies, sales forecasting, and more. Be prepared to discuss:
· Creative marketing ideas for driving foot traffic and online orders
· Ways to keep employees engaged and productive
· New trends and product offerings
Contains 11 Component(s) Recorded On: 11/29/2023
Access this collection of articles that address everything from labor, profitability and digital strategies.
Access this collection of articles that address everything from labor, profitability and digital strategies.
Contains 2 Component(s)
As we enter the holiday season, SafNews Now will be here to help! Each newsletter release will feature a new Holiday Prep article to get you ready for the holidays! New articles will be added as they are released.
As we enter the holiday season, SafNews Now will be here to help! Each newsletter release will feature a new Holiday Prep article to get you ready for the holidays! New articles will be added as they are released.
Contains 1 Component(s)
What were we talking about last year as we were prepping for the holidays? Go back in time and check it out! ** It’s time to prep for the holidays! Take time to get inspired with new ideas from your peers about displays, scheduling, product orders, marketing, forecasting sales and more during this interactive peer-to-peer learning event.
It’s time to prep for the holidays! Take time to get inspired with new ideas from your peers about displays, scheduling, product orders, marketing, forecasting sales and more during this interactive peer-to-peer learning event.
Come prepared to discuss:
- How you will drive foot traffic and online orders
- How you will encourage early orders
- Display ideas
- Holiday services and product offerings for business accounts
Contains 1 Component(s)
Remind customers that university research has shown that poinsettias are not poisonous to people and animals. SAF’s Poinsettia Brochure and Fliers include information on the toxicity myth and other helpful facts, such as care and handling tips.
Remind customers that university research has shown that poinsettias are not poisonous to people and animals.
SAF’s Poinsettia Brochure and Fliers include information on the toxicity myth and other helpful facts, such as care and handling tips.
Contains 1 Component(s)
Access Winter 2024 Web Banners and Social Graphics here.
Access Winter 2024 Web Banners and Social Graphics here.