Employee Incentives
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Access these resources to help you implement an incentive program to attract and retain labor, as well as motivate your team!
Contains 1 Component(s)
Incentivizing your design team for greater efficiency is the focus in the latest Growth column of Floral Management. Access TeamFloral's Designer Incentive Worksheet here.
Incentivizing your design team for greater efficiency is the focus in the latest Growth column of Floral Management. Access TeamFloral's Designer Incentive Worksheet here.
Contains 1 Component(s)
Do you need more work from your design team in less time? It is far more expensive to hire and train a new designer than it is to incentivize your team to be more efficient.
Do you need more work from your design team in less time? It is far more expensive to hire and train a new designer
than it is to incentivize your team to be more efficient. -
Contains 1 Component(s)
In this article, Dan McManus breaks down the basics of a bonus program, including how to set a fair goal, figure out the math, and account for variables such as non-design tasks.
In this article, Dan McManus breaks down the basics of a bonus program, including how to set a fair goal, figure out the math, and account for variables such as non-design tasks.
Contains 2 Component(s) Recorded On: 09/22/2021
Discover how an incentive program revolutionized one florist’s business and how you can scale a program based on your business size and model. You’ll learn: • How to structure an incentive program for different positions. • How “blended” programs can work for teams that work across multiple departments. • How to avoid the typical missteps of bonus and incentive programs.
Speakers: Chris Drummond. AAF, PFCI, Penny’s by Plaza Flowers Derrick Myers, CPA, PFCI, Crockett & Myers Associates
Your long-term ability to retain top talent is dependent on how you reward employees. Floral businesses with solid incentive programs in place are finding they can compete with large corporations for talent and drive higher sales and profits. Discover how an incentive program revolutionized one florist’s business and how you can scale a program based on your business size and model.
You’ll learn:
- How to structure an incentive program for different positions.
- How “blended” programs can work for teams that work across multiple departments.
- How to avoid the typical missteps of bonus and incentive programs.