Forecasting Your Future: Cost of Goods Sold
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In the first course of Forecasting Your Future you learned how to track sales and create a sales forecast. Now, continue the journey with Cost of Goods Control.

In this course, you will learn:
- How to decide your markup
- Tips and tricks for labor charges and cost outs
- How your product offering affects your profit goals
- The importance of using your Sales Forecast in Ordering
- The impact care and handling has on your profit margin
- The importance of communicating your goals with your staff
Manny and Clara Gonzales bring decades of experience and proven success in their own retail floral business. Now, as consultants in the floral industry, they share their expertise.
Learn more about Manny & Clara Gonzales
Access Full Course Overview
Contains 9 Component(s)
In Module 1, we'll start the process of establishing your pricing formula by deciding your markup for fresh flowers, greens, vase, hardgoods and more.
In Module 1, we'll start the process of establishing on your pricing formula by deciding on your markup for fresh flowers, greens, vase, hardgoods and more.
Contains 6 Component(s)
In Module 2, we'll start the 2nd step in establishing your pricing formula by deciding the labor percentage to charge for fresh arrangements and how to effectively cost out your designs.
In Module 2, we'll start the 2nd step in establishing your pricing formula by deciding the labor percentage to charge for fresh arrangements and how to effectively cost out your designs.
Contains 7 Component(s)
In Module 3, we'll discuss your product selection, how to make buying easier for your customers and how to brand your way to success
In Module 3, we'll discuss your product selection, how to make buying easier for your customers and how to brand your way to success
Contains 8 Component(s)
In Module 4, we'll review, in detail, the Weekly Worksheet and the Invoice Control spreadsheets that helped us stay within our weekly and monthly budgets for flowers, hardgoods and plants.
In Module 4, we'll review, in detail, the Weekly Worksheet and the Invoice Control spreadsheets that helped us stay within our weekly and monthly budgets for flowers, hardgoods and plants.
Contains 6 Component(s)
In Module 5, we'll talk about the industry in terms of flower care from breeding, seeding, cultivation, growing, and distribution to you the florist and then your customer. Get ready to see the billion dollar industry that you are an integral part of from the "ground up" and how your practices help promote the power of flowers
In Module 5, we'll talk about the industry in terms of flower care from breeding, seeding, cultivation, growing, and distribution to you the florist and then your customer. Get ready to see the billion dollar industry that you are an integral part of from the "ground up" and how your practices help promote the power of flowers
Contains 10 Component(s)
Module 6 will give you tips on how to share your newly set retail prices, labor and costout formulas with your staff, along with how we incorporated weddings and holiday COGS controls. Finally we'll give you a detailed checklist for overall COGS control to start your journey to a profitable flower shop.
Module 6 will give you tips on how to share your newly set retail prices, labor and costout formulas with your staff, along with how we incorporated weddings and holiday COGS controls. Finally we'll give you a detailed checklist for overall COGS control to start your journey to a profitable flower shop.