Module 4: Creating Your Monthly Forecast
In Module 4, we'll show you how to complete the spreadsheet you'll be using on a daily basis to track sales. Yes, you will be tracking & entering actual sales everyday and loving the power you gain from your new knowledge

Introduction to Module 4
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In this video, Manny & Clara give you a brief introduction to the one page document that will be your daily guide to a successful future.
Difference Between Goals, Forecasts & Actuals
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This component details the unique differences between goals, forecasts and actual sales
The Shop Calendar
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In this video , Clara briefly explains how to use the Shop Calendar to track future sales such as weddings, events and contract work
Creating Your Monthly Forecast
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In this video, Manny will guide you through completing your Monthly Forecast
Creating Your Monthly Forecast Instructions
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Here we provide you with written, step by step instructions to accompany Manny's previous video on completing your Monthly Forecast
Module 4 Conclusion
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In this video, Clara concludes Module 4 and celebrates all you've accomplished and how you are now ready to start Daily Tracking