November Idea Exchange: Holiday Prep

It’s time to prep for the holidays! Take time to get inspired with new ideas from your peers about displays, scheduling, product orders, marketing, forecasting sales and more during this interactive peer-to-peer learning event.  

Come prepared to discuss: 

  • How you will drive foot traffic and online orders 
  • How you will encourage early orders 
  • Display ideas 
  • Holiday services and product offerings for business accounts 


November Idea Exchange
11/08/2023 at 2:00 PM (EST)  |  Recorded On: 11/08/2023  |  47 minutes
11/08/2023 at 2:00 PM (EST)  |  Recorded On: 11/08/2023  |  47 minutes It’s time to prep for the holidays! Take time to get inspired with new ideas from your peers about displays, scheduling, product orders, marketing, forecasting sales and more during this interactive peer-to-peer learning event. Come prepared to discuss: How you will drive foot traffic and online orders How you will encourage early orders Display ideas Holiday services and product offerings for business accounts