Positioned for Profit: New Event Economics for a Changing Market
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Florists need to be more astute than ever with their bottom line due to rapidly increasing costs of goods, new consumer demands and supply issues. Vince and Carolyn Butera of Butera the Florist, long-time retail florist and now event-only florists, will share ideas on how to change and operate as an event florist to control costs of goods, promote their brand and stay profitable.
You'll learn:
- How to price for profit
- How to gain and maximize your client's trust
- Creative ideas for strategic planning

Vince Butera
Butera The Florist
Vincenzo Butera AAF, AIFD, PFCI
Vince is Co-Founder and Floral Artisan of Butera The Florist, which opened in 1980 in York, PA. His love of floral design began at age 6 when he crafted centerpieces from cut pine branches in his yard. Now six decades later and a few letters behind his name, Vince is still passionate about his artistry. He and Carolyn, his wife of 42 years, recently fulfilled their dream of living in Maine. They now operate Butera The Florist as a Wedding & Event only business in a studio attached to their circa 1840 sea captain’s home on the Blue Hill Peninsula. The Buteras are Floral Management’s 2015 Marketer of the Year.

Carolyn Butera
Butera The Florist
With formal training as an educator, Carolyn has enjoyed three careers during her adult years in the areas of education, business and art. Gifted with the ability to bring synergy to long term vision, short term goals, written plans, and the execution of tasks, her expertise has been utilized since the inception of Butera The Florist. In addition to being Co-Founder with her husband, Carolyn is now a watercolor artist, specializing in Maine mussel shells. Vince and Carolyn are delightfully at home in their new setting, with the ocean view, their adult children and grandchildren all nearby.